Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Diagnostic trouble code chart (2006/01- )


When the air conditioning system functions properly, dtc b1400/00 is output.

Toyota RAV4. Diagnostic trouble code chart (2006/01- )


*1: Dtc b1422/22 (compressor lock sensor circuit) is indicated only for a currently occurring malfunction for 2grfe.

*2: Compressor and pulley for 2az-fe, compressor and magnetic clutch for 2gr-fe

Diagnostic trouble code chart (2005/11-2006/01)
Hint: When the air conditioning system functions properly, dtc b1400/00 is output. ...

Ambient temperature sensor circuit
Description The ambient temperature sensor is installed in the front part of the condenser to detect the ambient temperature and control the air conditioner. The sensor is connected to the c ...

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Problem symptoms table (2006/01- )
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