Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Installation
- Install air conditioner unit assembly

- Install the a/c unit with the bolt and nut.
Torque: 9.8 N*m (100 kgf*cm, 7 ft.*Lbf)
- Install instrument panel reinforcement
- Install the instrument panel reinforcement with the 6
Torque: 20 n*m (204 kgf*cm, 15 ft.*Lbf)

- Install the 3 bolts.
Torque: 9.8 N*m (100 kgf*cm, 7 ft.*Lbf)

- Install the 4 bolts and connect the ground wire.

- Attach the 12 clamps.

- Install drain cooler hose

- Install the drain hose.
- Install air conditioning amplifier assembly

- Install the a/c amplifier with the screw.
- Connect the connector.

- Attach the 2 clamps to the amplifier.
- Install air duct

- Attach the 2 claws and install the air duct.
- Install rear air duct

- Attach the 3 claws and install the air duct rear.

- Attach the 2 clamps and install the wire harness.
- Install no. 1 Instrument panel brace subassembly

- Install the instrument panel brace with the bolt, nut
and screw.
- Install the clamp and connect the wire harness.

- Reposition the floor carpet.
- Install defroster nozzle assembly

- Attach the 3 claws and install the defroster nozzle
assembly lower.
- Install lower instrument panel
- Install the lower instrument panel (see page ip-23).
- Install upper instrument panel
- Install the upper instrument panel (see page ip-9).
- Install steering column assembly
- Install the steering column (see page sr-19).
- Connect heater water outlet hose
- Connect the water hose and attach the clip.

- Connect heater water inlet hose
Use the same procedures described for the water outlet
- Connect tube sub-assembly

- Remove the attached vinyl tape from the pipe.
- Sufficiently apply compressor oil to new 2 o-rings
and the fitting surface of the suction tube and liquid
Compressor oil:
nd-oil 8 or equivalent
- Install the 2 o-rings on the suction tube and liquid
- Connect the suction tube and liquid tube.
After the connection, check that the claw of the
piping clamp is engaged.
- Install the plate with the bolt.
Torque: 9.8 N*m (100 kgf*cm, 7 ft.*Lbf)
- Connect cable to negative battery
- Check srs warning light
- Check the srs warning light (see page rs-37).
- Replace engine coolant
refer to the following procedures (see page co-6).
- Charge refrigerant (see page ac-172)
- Warm up engine (see page ac-173)
- Check for engine coolant leaks
- Check for leakage of refrigerant (see
page ac-173)
Install evaporator temperature sensor
If reusing the evaporator, do not insert the sensor to
a location where the sensor was previously inserted.
Insert the sensor within range c sh ...
Disconnect cable from negative battery
Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the
cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to
prevent ai ...
Other materials:
Using the radio
Adjusting the frequency
Scanning for receivable stations
Am/fm mode button
Station selectors
Seeking the frequency
Displaying text message
Setting station presets
Search for the desired stations by turning the ¢Â§tune¢escroll¢¸
knob or ...
Low battery positive voltage
When there is an abnormality in the power supply circuit of the brake
actuator (skid control ecu), the skid
control ecu sets a dtc and the operation is prohibited by the fail-safe
function. This dtc is set when the
voltage supplied to terminal ig1 is outside the dtc detection ...
Operation check
Check key reminder warning system
Check that the key reminder warning buzzer
With the driver side door closed, insert the key
into the ignition key cylinder and then turn the
ignition switch to lock or acc.
Check that the buzzer sounds intermittently
when the driver ...