Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Turn signal light circuit


The turn signal flasher relay (marking: flsh) in the main body ecu turns on when it receives signals from the headlight dimmer switch integrated with the turn signal switch, causing the turn signal lights to flash.

Wiring diagram

Toyota RAV4. Turn signal light circuit

Inspection procedure

  1. Check operation of turn signal light

  1. When the turn signal light switch is operated, check that the appropriate turn signal light flashes.

Toyota RAV4. Check operation of turn signal light

  1. Inspect fuse (ecu-ig2, haz)

  1. Remove the ecu-ig2 fuse from the instrument panel junction block.
  2. Remove the haz fuse from the engine room no. 1 Relay block.
  3. Measure the resistance of the fuses.

Standard resistance: below 1

  1. Check wire harness (battery - turn signal flasher relay)

Toyota RAV4. Check wire harness (battery - turn signal flasher relay)

  1. Disconnect the ib instrument panel junction block connector.
  2. Remove the turn signal flasher relay from the instrument panel junction block.
  3. Measure the voltage of the wire harness side connectors.

Standard voltage

  1. Inspect headlight dimmer switch

Toyota RAV4. Inspect headlight dimmer switch

  1. Remove the headlight dimmer switch.
  2. Inspect the turn signal switch.
  3. Measure the resistance of the switch.

Standard resistance

  1. Check wire harness (headlight dimmer switch - instrument panel junction block)

Toyota RAV4. Check wire harness (headlight dimmer switch - instrument panel junction block)

  1. Remove the turn signal flasher relay.
  2. Disconnect the e15 headlight dimmer switch connector.
  3. Measure the resistance of the wire harness side connectors and junction block.

Standard resistance

Replace turn signal flasher relay

  1. Inspect front turn signal light

  1. Remove the front turn signal light.
  2. Connect the positive (+) lead from the battery to terminal 1 and the negative (-) lead to terminal 2, then check that the light comes on.

Ok: light comes on.

  1. Check wire harness (instrument panel junction block - front turn signal light)

Toyota RAV4. Check wire harness (instrument panel junction block - front turn signal light)

  1. Disconnect the a12 and a24 front turn signal light connectors.
  2. Disconnect the ib instrument panel junction block connector.
  3. Measure the resistance of the wire harness side connectors.

Standard resistance

Repair or replace harness and connector (front turn signal light - body ground)

  1. Inspect rear turn signal light

Toyota RAV4. Inspect rear turn signal light

  1. Remove the rear combinationl light.
  2. Connect the positive (+) lead from the battery to terminal 5 and the negative (-) lead to terminal 1, then check that the light comes on.

Ok: light comes on.

  1. Check wire harness (instrument panel junction block - rear turn signal light)

Toyota RAV4. Check wire harness (instrument panel junction block - rear turn signal light)

  1. Disconnect the k12 and k14 rear combination light connectors.
  2. Disconnect the ia instrument panel junction block connector.
  3. Measure the resistance of the wire harness side connectors.

Standard resistance 

Repair or replace harness and connector (rear turn signal light - body ground)

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