When the hazard warning signal switch is turned on, the turn signal flasher relay (marking: flsh) in the main body ecu turns on to flash the hazard warning signal lights.
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
Ok: all hazard warning signal lights flash.
Standard resistance:
below 1
Standard voltage
Ok: all hazard warning signal lights flash.
Replace turn signal flasher relay
Standard resistance
Repair or replace harness and connector (hazard warning signal switch - body ground)
Evap system
Related dtcs
If any evap system dtcs are set, the malfunctioning area can be determined
using the table below.
If the reference pressure difference between the first and second checks
is greater than the
specification, all the dtcs relating to the reference pressure (p043e, p ...
Master cylinder pressure sensor malfunction
The master cylinder pressure sensor is connected to the skid control ecu in
the abs and traction
Dtc c1281/81 can be detected when the master cylinder pressure sensor sends a
master cylinder
pressure signal or test mode ends. Dtc c1281/81 is output only in test mo ...
Operation flow
Perform troubleshooting in accordance with the
procedures below. The following is an outline of basic
troubleshooting procedures. Confirm the troubleshooting
procedures for the circuit you are working on before
beginning troubleshooting.
the customer about the conditions and en ...