Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Reassembly
- Install piston

- Using a small screwdriver, install a new snap ring
onto one end of the piston pin hole.
Make sure that the end gap of the snap ring is not
aligned with the pin hole cutout portion of the piston.
- Gradually heat the piston up to 80 to 90°c (176 to
- Align the front marks of the piston and connecting
rod, then push in the piston pin with your thumb until
the pin comes into contact with the snap pin hole.

Make sure that the end gap of the snap ring is not
aligned with the pin hole cutout portion of the piston.
- Install piston ring set

- Install the expander and oil ring by hand.
- Using a piston ring expander, install the 2
compression rings with the paint mark as shown in
the illustration.
Install the no. 2 Compression ring with the code
mark (2n) facing upward.

- Position the piston rings so that the ring ends are as
shown in the illustration.

- Install no. 1 Oil nozzle sub-assembly

- Install the 4 oil nozzles with the 4 bolts.
Torque: 7.0 N*m (71 kgf*cm, 62 in.*Lbf)
- Install cylinder block water jacket spacer

- Install crankshaft bearing

- Install the upper bearing with an oil groove onto the
cylinder block.
Do not apply engine oil to the contact surfaces
of the cylinder block and crankshaft bearing.
- Install no. 2 Crankshaft bearing
- Install the lower bearing onto the bearing cap.

Do not apply engine oil to the contact surfaces
of the cylinder block and crankshaft bearing
- Install crankshaft thrust washer upper

- Install the 2 thrust washers onto the no. 3 Journal
position of the cylinder block with the oil groove
facing outward.
- Install crankshaft

- Apply engine oil to the upper bearing, and install the
crankshaft onto the cylinder block.
- Examine the front marks and numbers, and install
the bearing caps onto the cylinder block in the order
shown in the illustration.
- Apply a light coat of engine oil to the threads and
under the heads of the bearing cap bolts.

- using several steps, uniformly install and tighten the
10 bearing cap bolts in the sequence shown in the
Torque: 40 n*m (408 kgf*cm, 30 ft.*Lbf)

- Mark the front of the bearing cap bolts with paint.
- Retighten the 10 bearing cap bolts by 90° in the
same sequence.
- Check that the paint marks are now at a 90° angle
to the front.
- Check that the crankshaft turns smoothly.
- Install connecting rod bearing

- Align the bearing claw with the oil groove of the
connecting rod or connecting rod cap.
- Do not apply engine oil to the contact
surfaces of the connecting rod cap and
- Do not apply engine oil to the contact
surfaces of the connecting rod and bearing.
- Install piston with connecting rod

- Apply engine oil to the cylinder walls, pistons, and
surfaces of connecting rod bearings.
- Check the position of the piston ring ends.

- Using a hammer handle and piston ring
compressor, press a piston and connecting rod into
each cylinder with the front mark of the piston facing
- Check that the front mark of the connecting rod cap
is facing in the correct direction.

Match the numbered connecting rod cap with
the connecting rod.
- Apply a light coat of engine oil to the threads and
under the heads of the connecting rod bolts.
- Using a 12 mm socket wrench, tighten the bolts in
several passes to the specified torque.
Torque: 24.5 N*m (250 kgf*cm, 18 ft.*Lbf)
- Mark the front of the connecting rod bolts with paint.
- Retighten the cap bolts 90° as shown in the
- Check that the crankshaft turns smoothly.

- Install no. 1 Balance shaft bearing
- Align the bearing claw with the claw groove, and
push in the 8 bearings.

- Do not apply engine oil to the contact
surfaces of the balance shaft bearing and
balance shaft housing.
- Do not apply engine oil to the contact
surfaces of the balance shaft bearing and
stiffening crankcase.
- Apply light coat of engine oil to the bearings.
- Install balance shaft

- Rotate the no. 1 Driven gear of the no. 1 Balance
shaft in the rotating direction until it hits the stopper.

- Confirm that the timing marks on the no. 1 And no.
2 Driven gears are aligned.

- Align the timing marks of the no. 1 And no. 2
Balance shafts as shown in the illustration.
- Place the no. 1 And no. 2 Balance shafts onto the
- Apply a light coat of engine oil to the threads and
under the heads of the bolts.

- Using several steps, uniformly install and tighten the
8 bolts in the sequence shown in the illustration.
Torque: 21.6 N*m (220 kgf*cm, 16 ft.*Lbf)
- Mark the front of the bolts with paint.
- Retighten the bolts 90° as shown in the illustration.
- Check that the paint mark is now at a 90° angle to
the front.
- Install stiffening crankcase assembly

- Remove any old packing material and be careful not
to drop any oil on the contact surfaces of the
cylinder block and crankcase.

- Place a new o-ring on the cylinder block as shown
in the illustration.

- With the no. 1 Crank pin of the crankshaft placed at
the 6 o'clock position, install the no. 1 And no. 2
Balance shafts and align the adjusting holes as
shown in the illustration.

- Apply a continuous bead of seal packing (diameter
2.5 To 3.0 Mm (0.098 To 0.118 In.)) As shown in the
Seal packing:
toyota genuine seal packing black, three
bond 1207b or equivalent
- Remove any oil from the contact surface.
- Install the crankcase within 3 minutes of
applying seal packing.
- Do not add engine oil for at least 2 hours after
installing the crankcase.
- Temporarily install the crankcase with the 11 bolts.

Standard bolt length 
- Uniformly tighten the bolts.

Torque: 24 n*m (245 kgf*cm, 18 ft.*Lbf)
- Confirm that the timing marks of the balance shafts
are aligned when the key groove is placed at the 6
o'clock position, as shown in the illustration.

- Install engine rear oil seal
- Apply multi-purpose grease to the lip of a new oil

Keep the lip free of foreign object.
- Using sst and hammer, tap in the new oil seal until
its surface is flush with the rear oil seal retainer
Sst 09223-15030, 09950-70010 (09951-07100)

- Wipe any extra grease off the crankshaft.
- Do not tap the oil seal at an angle.
- Install oil control valve filter

- Check that there are no foreign objects on the mesh
part of the oil control valve filter.
- Using a 6 mm socket hexagon wrench, install a new
gasket and the oil control valve filter with the plug.
Torque: 30 n*m (306 kgf*cm, 22 ft.*Lbf)
- Install cylinder block water drain cock sub-assembly
- Apply adhesive to 2 or 3 threads of the drain cock.

toyota genuine adhesive 1324, three bond
1324 or equivalent
- After tightening the drain cock to the specified
torque, turn the drain cock clockwise as shown in
the illustration.

Torque: 25 n*m (255 kgf*cm, 18 ft.*Lbf)
- Install the drain cock within 3 minutes of
applying adhesive.
- Do not add coolant for at least an hour after
installing the drain cock.
- Do not turn the drain cock by more than 1
revolution (360°) after tightening the drain
cock to the specified torque.
- Do not loosen the drain cock after setting it
- Install cylinder head gasket (see page em-
- Install cylinder head sub-assembly (see
page em-82)
- Install camshaft timing oil control valve assembly

- Apply a light coat of engine oil to a new o-ring, then
install it onto the camshaft timing oil control valve.
- Install the camshaft timing oil control valve with the
Torque: 9.0 N*m (92 kgf*cm, 80 in.*Lbf)

- Install camshaft timing gear assembly (see
page em-83)
- Install no. 2 Camshaft timing sprocket (see
page em-84)
- Install no. 2 Camshaft bearing (see page em-
- Install no. 1 Camshaft bearing (see page em-
- Install camshaft (see page em-84)
- Install oil pump assembly (see page lu-15)
- Install oil pump drive gear
- Install no. 2 Chain sub-assembly (see page
- Install crankshaft timing sprocket

- Install no. 1 Chain vibration damper (see
page em-33)
- Install chain sub-assembly (see page em-33)
- Install chain tensioner slipper (see page
- Install timing chain guide (see page em-34)
- Install no. 1 Crankshaft position sensor
plate (see page em-35)
- Replace timing chain cover oil seal (see
page em-144)
- Install timing chain cover sub-assembly
(see page em-35)
- Install no. 1 Chain tensioner assembly (see
page em-37)
- Install crankshaft pulley (see page em-38)
- Install oil pan sub-assembly (see page em-39)
- Install oil pan drain plug

- Place a new gasket on the oil pan drain plug, then
install it onto the oil pan.
Torque: 40 n*m (408 kgf*cm, 30 ft.*Lbf)
- Install water pump assembly (see page co- 12)
- Install water pump pulley (see page co-13)
- Install crankshaft position sensor (see
page es-402)
- Install oil filter union

- Using a 12 mm hexagon wrench, install the oil filter
Torque: 29.5 N*m (301 kgf*cm, 22 ft.*Lbf)
- Install oil filter sub-assembly (see page lu-
- Set no. 1 Cylinder to tdc/compression (see
page em-25)
- Check valve clearance (see page em-8)
- Adjust valve clearance (see page em-8)
- Install camshaft (see page em-13)
- Install no. 2 Camshaft (see page em-14)
- Install no. 1 Chain tensioner assembly (see
page em-37)
- Install cylinder head cover gasket

- Install the gasket onto the cylinder head cover.
- Install cylinder head cover sub-assembly (see page em-40)

- Install oil filler cap sub-assembly

- Install the gasket to the cap.
- Install the oil filler cap.

Torque: 3.0 N*m (31 kgf*cm, 26 in.*Lbf)
- Install spark plug

Torque: 25 n*m (254 kgf*cm, 18 ft.*Lbf)
- Install ignition coil assembly (see page ig-9)
- Install ventilation valve sub-assembly

- Apply adhesive to the threads of the ventilation
Toyota genuine adhesive 1324, three bond
1324 or equivalent
- Using a 22 mm deep socket wrench, install the
ventilation valve.
Torque: 19 n*m (194 kgf*cm, 14 ft.*Lbf)

- Install oil dipstick guide (see page em-86)
- Install oil dipstick
- Install camshaft position sensor (see page
- Install engine coolant temperature
sensor (see page em-82)
- Install oil pressure switch assembly (see
page em-82)
- Install radio setting condenser (see page
- Install knock sensor (see page es-420)
- Install camshaft timing oil control valve
assembly (see page es-396)
- Install v-ribbed belt tensioner assembly
(see page em-38)
- Install no. 3 Water by-pass pipe

- Install a new gasket and pipe with the bolt and 2
Torque: 9.0 N*m (92 kgf*cm, 80 in.*Lbf)
- Install no. 1 Water by-pass pipe
- Install a new gasket and the pipe with the bolt and 2

Torque: 9.0 N*m (92 kgf*cm, 80 in.*Lbf)
- Install thermostat (see page co-15)
- Install water inlet (see page co-16)
- Install exhaust manifold converter subassembly
(see page em-85)
- Install no. 1 Exhaust manifold heat
insulator (see page em-86)
- Install no. 2 Manifold stay (see page em-86)
- Install manifold stay (see page em-86)
- Install idler pulley (see page em-41)
Replace timing chain cover oil seal
There are 2 methods to replace the oil seal.
If the timing chain cover is removed from the
cylinder block:
Using a screwdriver and hammer, ...
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