Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Problem symptoms table


Chapter 1: electrical circuit matrix chart

Toyota RAV4. Chapter 1: electrical circuit matrix chart


*: When the circuit is defective, a dtc may be output.

Chapter 2: on-vehicle repair and off-vehicle repair

Toyota RAV4. Chapter 2: on-vehicle repair and off-vehicle repair

Toyota RAV4. Chapter 2: on-vehicle repair and off-vehicle repair

Toyota RAV4. Chapter 2: on-vehicle repair and off-vehicle repair

Monitor drive pattern
Test monitor drive pattern for ect Caution: Perform this drive pattern on a level surface and strictly observe the posted speed limits and traffic laws while driving. Hint: Performing this ...

Terminals of ecm
Check ecm Measure the voltage of the ecm connector. Hint: Each ecm terminal's standard voltage is shown in the table below. In the table, first follow the information under " ...

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Evaporative emission leak detection pump
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