Short in can bus lines
There may be a short circuit between the can bus lines when the resistance
between terminals 6 (canh)
and 14 (canl) of the dlc3 is below 54
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
Turn the ignition switch off before measuring the resistances of the
main ...
Exhaust pipe
Disconnect cable from negative battery terminal
Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the
cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to
prevent airbag and seat belt pretensioner activation.
Remove heated oxygen sensor (for bank 1
sensor 2) (s ...
Closing the fuel tank cap
After refueling, turn the fuel tank
cap until you hear a click. Once
the cap is released, it will turn
slightly in the opposite direction.
When replacing the fuel tank cap
Do not use anything but a genuine toyota fuel tank cap designed for
vehicle. Doing so may cause a fire ...