Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Inspection

  1. Inspect oil pump assembly

Toyota RAV4. Inspect oil pump assembly

  1. Turn the drive gear with 2 screwdrivers and make sure it rotates smoothly.


Be careful not to damage the oil seal lip.

  1. Inspect clearance of oil pump assembly

Toyota RAV4. Inspect clearance of oil pump assembly

  1. Push the driven gear to one side of the body. Using a feeler gauge, measure the clearance.

Standard body clearance: 0.10 To 0.17 Mm (0.0039 To 0.0067 In.)

Maximum body clearance: 0.17 Mm (0.0067 In.)

If the body clearance is greater than the maximum, replace the oil pump body sub-assembly.

Toyota RAV4. Inspect clearance of oil pump assembly

  1. Measure the tip clearance between the driven gear teeth and drive gear teeth.

Standard tip clearance: 0.07 To 0.15 Mm (0.0028 To 0.0059 In.)

Maximum tip clearance: 0.15 Mm (0.0059 In.)

If the tip clearance is grater than the maximum, replace the oil pump body sub-assembly.

Toyota RAV4. Inspect clearance of oil pump assembly

  1. Using a straightedge and feeler gauge, measure the side clearance of both gears.

Standard side clearance: 0.02 To 0.05 Mm (0.0008 To 0.0020 In.)

Maximum side clearance: 0.05 Mm (0.0020 In.)

Standard drive gear thickness

Standard driven gear thickness

  1. Inspect front oil pump and gear body subassembly

Toyota RAV4. Inspect front oil pump and gear body subassembly

  1. Using a caliper gauge, measure the inside diameter of the oil pump body bush.

Standard inside diameter: 38.113 To 38.138 Mm (1.50051 To 1.50149 In.)

Maximum inside diameter: 38.188 Mm (1.50346 In.)

If the inside diameter is grater than maximum, replace the oil pump body sub-assembly.

  1. Inspect stator shaft assembly

Toyota RAV4. Inspect stator shaft assembly

  1. Using a caliper gauge, measure the inside diameter of the stator shaft bush.

Standard inside diameter: 21.500 To 21.526 Mm (0.84646 To 0.84748 In.)

Maximum inside diameter: 21.57 Mm (0.8492 In.)

If the indicator diameter is greater than the maximum, replace the stator shaft.

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