Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Disassembly

  1. Inspect oil pump assembly (see page ax-218)

  2. Remove clutch drum oil seal ring

Toyota RAV4. Disassembly

  1. Remove the 2 clutch drum oil seal rings.
  1. Remove stator shaft assembly

  1. Using a t30 ''torx'' socket, remove the 11 bolts and stator shaft. Keep the gears in assembling order.
  1. Inspect clearance of oil pump assembly (see page ax-218)

Toyota RAV4. Inspect clearance of oil pump assembly (see page ax-218)

  1. Remove front oil pump drive gear

Toyota RAV4. Remove front oil pump drive gear

  1. Remove the front oil pump drive gear.
  1. Remove front oil pump driven gear

Toyota RAV4. Remove front oil pump driven gear

  1. Remove the front oil pump driven gear.
  1. Remove front oil pump body o-ring

Toyota RAV4. Remove front oil pump body o-ring

  1. Using a screwdriver, pry out the o-ring.


Tape the screwdriver before use.

  1. Remove front oil pump oil seal

  1. Mount the oil pump in a soft jaw vise.
  2. Using sst, tap out the oil seal from the oil pump body.

Sst 09308-00010

  1. Inspect front oil pump and gear body subassembly (see page ax-219)

  2. Inspect stator shaft assembly (see page ax- 219)

Toyota RAV4. Inspect stator shaft assembly (see page ax- 219)

Oil pump
Components ...

Inspect oil pump assembly Turn the drive gear with 2 screwdrivers and make sure it rotates smoothly. Notice: Be careful not to damage the oil seal lip. Inspect clearance of oil ...

Other materials:

Replace timing chain cover oil seal Using a screwdriver and hammer, tap out the oil seal. Place the oil seal retainer on wooden blocks. Apply multi-purpose grease to the lip of a new oil seal. Notice: Keep the lip free of foreign objects. Using sst and a hammer, tap in a ...

Diagnosis system
Check dlc3 The ecm uses iso 15765-4 for communication. The terminal arrangement of the dlc3 complies with sae j1962 and matches the iso 15765-4 format. If the result is not as specified, the dlc3 may have a malfunction. Repair or replace the harness and connector. Hint: Conn ...

Bearing position Standard bearing position Install differential gear lube apply tube Install the apply tube and clamp to the transaxle housing with the bolt. Torque: 9.8 N*m (100 kgf*cm, 87 in.*Lbf) Notice: Make sure to insert the pipe to the stopper. Instal ...

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