Be sure to read the precautionary notices concerning the
srs airbag system before servicing it (see page rs-1).
Disconnect cable from negative battery
Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the
cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to
prevent air ...
Throttle actuator control throttle body range / performance
The electronic throttle control system (etcs) is composed of the throttle
actuator, throttle position (tp)
sensor, accelerator pedal position (app) sensor, and ecm. The ecm operates the
throttle actuator to
regulate the throttle valve in response to driver inputs. The tp senso ...
Only back door lock / unlock functions do not operate
The main body ecu receives lock / unlock switch signals and activates the
door lock motor accordingly.
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
Inspect back door with motor lock assembly
Apply the battery voltage to the door lock motor and
check the operation of the d ...