Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Diagnostic trouble code chart

Look for output diagnostic trouble codes (dtcs) (from the dtc checks) in the appropriate section's diagnostic trouble code chart. Use the chart to determine the trouble area and the proper inspection procedure. A description of each of the chart's columns are below.



Dtc no. Indicates the diagnostic trouble code
Detection item Indicates the system or details of the problem
Trouble area Indicates the suspected areas of the problem
See page Indicates the page where the inspection procedures for each circuit are to be found, or gives instruction for checking and repairs
Symptom simulation
Hint: The most difficult case in troubleshooting is when no problem symptoms occur. In such a case, a thorough problem analysis must be carried out. A simulation of the same or similar conditions ...

Problem symptoms table
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