Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Check and replace ecu


Toyota RAV4. Check and replace ecu

  1. First, check the ecu ground circuit. If it is faulty, repair it. If it is normal, the ecu could be faulty.

    Temporarily replace the ecu with a normally functioning one and check if the problem symptoms occur. If the problem symptoms disappear, replace the original ecu.

  1. Measure the resistance between the ecu ground terminal and body ground.

    Standard resistance: Below 1 ù

  2. Disconnect the ecu connector. Check the ground terminal on the ecu side and wire harness side for bending, corrosion or foreign matter. Lastly, check the contact pressure of the female terminals.
Check for short circuit
If the wire harness is ground shorted (fig. 5), Locate the section by conducting a resistance check with the body ground (below). Check the resistance with the body ground. Disconne ...


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