Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA50) 2019-2024 Owners Manual: Vehicle specifications

If the vehicle becomes stuck
Carry out the following procedures if the tires spin or the vehicle becomes stuck in mud, dirt or snow: Recovering procedure 1. Stop the engine. Set the parking brake and shift the shift lever to P. ...


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Second brake piston
Components Disassembly Remove 2nd brake piston return spring sub-assembly Place sst on the return spring and compress. Using a screwdriver, pry out the snap ring. Remove the piston return spring. Inspect 2nd brake piston return spring sub-assembly (see page ax-223) ...

Downhill assist control indicator light does not come on
Description Refer to the description of "downhill assist control indicator light remains on" (see page bc-156). Wiring diagram Refer to the downhill assist control indicator light circuit (see page bc-157). Inspection procedure Check can communication system Check if the ...

How to proceed with troubleshooting
Hint: Use the procedure to troubleshoot the power door lock control system. *: Use the intelligent tester. Vehicle brought to workshop Inspect battery voltage Standard voltage: 11 to 14 v If the voltage is below 11 v, recharge or replace the battery before proceeding. ...

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