Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Owners Manual: Vehicle specifications

If the vehicle becomes stuck
Carry out the following procedures if the tires spin or the vehicle becomes stuck in mud, dirt or snow: Stop the engine. Set the parking brake and shift the shift lever to p. Remove the mud, sn ...


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Monitor drive pattern
Test monitor drive pattern for ect Caution: Perform this drive pattern on a level surface and strictly observe the posted speed limits and traffic laws while driving. Hint: Performing this drive pattern is one method to simulate the ect's malfunction detection conditions. The dtcs may ...

Blower motor circuit
Description When the heater control (blower switch) is set to position 1 or higher, the contact of the htr relay is closed, current flows to the blower motor, and the blower motor operates. The blower motor speed can be changed by exchanging the ground and the blower resistor circuit with the ...

Center airbag sensor communication stop mode
Description Wiring diagram Inspection procedure Notice: Turn the ignition switch off before measuring the resistances of the main wire and the branch wire. After the ignition switch is turned off, check that the key reminder warning system and light reminder warning system ...

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