Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA50) 2019-2025 Owners Manual: Steps to take in an emergency

If the vehicle is submerged or water on the road is rising
This vehicle is not designed to be able to drive on roads that are deeply flooded with water. Do not drive on roads where the roads may be submerged or the water may be rising. It is dangerous to rema ...

If your vehicle needs to be towed
If towing is necessary, we recommend having your vehicle towed by your Toyota dealer or commercial towing service, using a wheel-lift type truck or flatbed truck. Use a safety chain system for all to ...

Other materials:

Downhill assist control indicator light does not come on
Description Refer to the description of "downhill assist control indicator light remains on" (see page bc-156). Wiring diagram Refer to the downhill assist control indicator light circuit (see page bc-157). Inspection procedure Check can communication system Check if the ...

Fuel Economy
Current fuel economy Displays the driving range with remaining fuel. Average fuel economy Displays the average fuel economy since the function was reset or the average fuel economy after starting.* 1, 2, 3 The average fuel economy selected by "Fuel Economy" on the screen is displayed. *1 ...

Data list / active test
Read data list Hint: Using the intelligent tester's data list allows switch, sensor, actuator and other item values to be read without removing any parts. Reading the data list early in troubleshooting is one way to save time. Connect the intelligent tester (with can vim) to the dlc3 ...

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