The skid control buzzer sounds while the vsc is activated.
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
When replacing the abs and traction actuator, perform the zero point calibration (see page bc- 24).
Ok: the skid control buzzer can be heard.
Replace abs and traction actuator assembly
Rear axle hub and bearing
On-vehicle inspection
Remove rear wheel
Disconnect rear drive shaft assembly lh
(for 4wd)
Disconnect the drive shaft (see page ds-69).
Remove rear disc brake cylinder assembly
lh (see page br-55)
Remove rear disc (see page br-57)
Check bearing backlash a ...
Inspect rear stabilizer link assembly lh
As shown in the illustration, move the ball joint stud
back and forth 5 times before installing the nut.
Using a torque wrench, turn the nut continuously at
a rate of 3 to 5 seconds per turn and take the torque
reading on the fifth turn.
Front drive shaft assembly (for 4wd)
Components (2005/11-2006/01)
Components (2006/01- )