Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Installation (2005/11-2006/01)

  1. Install front drive shaft assembly lh

Toyota RAV4. Install front drive shaft assembly lh

  1. Coat the spline of the inboard joint shaft with gear oil.
  2. Using a brass bar and hammer, align the shaft splines in the drive shaft.


  1. Install front drive shaft assembly rh

  1. Coat the spline of the inboard joint shaft with gear oil.
  2. Align the shaft splines and securely insert the drive shaft.


Do not damage the oil seal.

Toyota RAV4. Install front drive shaft assembly rh

  1. Squeeze the ends of the bracket hole snap ring and install it to the bearing bracket.
  2. Install the bearing bracket bolt torque: 32.4 N*m (330 kgf*cm, 24 ft.*Lbf)
  1. Connect steering knuckle with axle hub lh

  1. Align the shaft splines in the drive shaft to the steering knuckle with axle hub.
  1. Connect steering knuckle with axle hub rh


Use the same procedures described for lh side.

  1. Connect front suspension lower no. 1 Arm sub-assembly lh (see page ah-10)

  2. Connect front suspension lower no. 1 Arm sub-assembly rh


Use the same procedures described for lh side.

  1. Install front stabilizer link assembly lh (see page sp-31)

  2. Install front stabilizer link assembly rh


Use the same procedures described for lh side.

  1. Install tie rod end sub-assembly lh (see page ps-45)

  2. Install tie rod end sub-assembly rh


Use the same procedures described for lh side.

  1. Connect front speed sensor lh

  1. Connect the speed sensor (see page bc-193).
  1. Connect front speed sensor rh


Use the same procedures described for the lh side.

  1. Install front axle hub nut (see page ah-10)

  2. Install front wheel torque: 103 n*m (1,050 kgf*cm, 76 ft.*Lbf)

  3. Add automatic transaxle fluid

  1. Add automatic transaxle fluid for u140f (see page ax-152).
  2. Add automatic transaxle fluid for u241e (see page ax-151).
  1. Check for automatic transaxle fluid leakage

  2. Inspect and adjust front wheel alignment

  1. Inspect and adjust front wheel alignment (see page sp-3).
Reassembly (2006/01- )
Install front drive shaft bearing (for rh) Install the bearing bracket snap ring to the inboard shaft. Using sst and a press, press in the drive shaft bearing to the inboard joint r ...

Installation (2006/01- )
Install front drive shaft assembly lh Coat the spline of the inboard joint shaft with gear oil. Align the shaft splines and tap in the drive shaft with a brass bar and hammer. No ...

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