Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Inspection

  1. Inspect generator brush holder assembly

  1. Using a vernier caliper, measure the brush length.

Standard length: 9.5 To 11.5 Mm (0.374 To 0.453 In.)

Minimum length: 4.5 Mm (0.177 In.)

If the brush length is less than the minimum, replace the generator brush holder assembly.

Toyota RAV4. Inspect generator brush holder assembly

  1. Inspect generator rotor assembly

Toyota RAV4. Inspect generator rotor assembly

  1. Check the resistance.
  1. Measure the resistance between the slip rings.

Standard resistance: 2.3 To 2.7 ٠at 20°c (68°f)

If the result is not as specified, replace the generator rotor assembly.

Toyota RAV4. Inspect generator rotor assembly

  1. Measure the resistance between the slip ring and rotor core.

Standard resistance: 1 m  or higher

If the result is not as specified, replace the generator rotor assembly.

  1. Check the slip ring diameter.

Toyota RAV4. Inspect generator rotor assembly

  1. Using a vernier caliper, measure the slip ring diameter.

Standard diameter: 14.2 To 14.4 Mm (0.559 To 0.567 In.)

Minimum diameter: 14 mm (0.551 In.)

If the diameter is less than the minimum, replace the generator rotor assembly.

Toyota RAV4. Inspect generator rotor assembly

  1. Check the appearance.
  1. Check that the bearing is not rough or worn.

Ok: the bearing rotates smoothly.

If the result is not as specified, replace the generator rotor assembly.

  1. Inspect generator drive end frame bearing

Toyota RAV4. Inspect generator drive end frame bearing

  1. Check that the bearing is not rough or worn.

Ok: the bearing rotates smoothly.

If the bearing does not rotate smoothly, replace the bearing.

  1. Inspect generator pulley with clutch

Toyota RAV4. Inspect generator pulley with clutch

  1. Hold the center of the pulley, and confirm that the outer ring turns counterclockwise and does not turn clockwise.

    If the result is not as specified, replace the generator pulley with clutch.

Remove generator pulley with clutch Remove the cap from the pulley. Using a screwdriver, puncture the center of the cap and pry it off. Notice: Do not reuse the cap. Insta ...

Replace generator drive end frame bearing Remove the 4 screws and bearing retainer. Using sst and a hammer, tap out the bearing. Sst 09950-60010 (09951-00250), 09950-70010 (0995 ...

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