Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Headlight (hi-beam) circuit
The body ecu controls the headlight relay, no. 2 Daytime running light relay
(marking: drl no. 2) And
no. 4 Daytime running light relay (marking: drl no. 4).
Wiring diagram

Inspection procedure
- Perform active test by intelligent tester
- Connect the intelligent tester (with can vim) to the
- Turn the ignition switch to the on position and press the
intelligent tester main switch on.
- Select the item below in the active test and then
check the relay operation.

headlight (high) comes on.

- Check headlight (low)
- Check that the headlight (low) comes on when the light
control switch is on (head).
headlight (low) comes on.

- Inspect fuse (head lh, head rh)
- Remove the head lh fuse and head rh fuse from the
engine room no. 2 Relay block.
- Measure the resistance of the fuses.
Standard resistance:
below 1

- Inspect daytime running light relay (marking: drl no. 2, Drl no. 3,
Drl no. 4)

- Remove the no. 2 Relay, no. 3 Relay and no. 4 Relay from
the engine room no. 2 Relay block.
- Measure the resistance of the relays.
Standard resistance:
No. 2, No. 4 
No. 3 

- Inspect headlight bulb (high)

- Remove the headlight bulb (high).
- Connect the positive (+) lead from the battery to terminal
2 and the negative (-) lead to terminal 1, then check that
the bulb illuminates.

- Check wire harness (main body ecu - battery)

- Disconnect the e16 main body ecu connector.
- Measure the voltage of the wire harness side connector.
Standard voltage 

- Check wire harness (main body ecu)

- Remove the headlight relay from the engine room no. 2
Relay block.
- Disconnect the e15 main body ecu connector.
- Measure the voltage of the wire harness side connector.
Standard voltage 

- Check wire harness (headlight relay - no. 3 Daytime running light
relay and body ground)

- Remove the no. 3 Daytime running light relay from the
engine room no. 2 Relay block.
- Measure the voltage and resistance of the relay block.
Standard voltage 
Standard resistance 

- Check wire harness (battery - no. 2 Daytime running light relay, bulb
and body ground)

- Remove the no. 2 Daytime running light relay from the
engine room no. 2 Relay block.
- Remove the a14 and a22 headlight bulb connectors.
- Measure the voltage and resistance of the relay block.
Standard voltage 
Standard resistance 

Replace instrument panel junction block (main body ecu)
- Check wire harness (main body ecu - dimmer switch)

- Disconnect the e15 main body ecu connector.
- Disconnect the e12 headlight dimmer switch connector.
- Disconnect the ij instrument panel junction block
- Measure the resistance of the wire harness side
Standard resistance 

- Inspect headlight dimmer switch

- Remove the headlight dimmer switch.
- Measure the resistance of the switch.
Standard resistance 

Repair or replace harness and connector (headlight dimmer switch - body
The main body ecu controls the daytime running light no. 2 Relay (marking:
drl no.2).
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
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Inspection procedure
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