Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Headlight dimmer switch


  1. Precaution for vehicle with srs

  1. Some procedures in this section may affect the supplemental restraint system (srs). Prior to performing the procedures, read the srs section's "precaution" (see page rs-1).


Toyota RAV4. Headlight dimmer switch


  1. Disconnect cable from negative battery terminal


Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to prevent airbag and seat belt pretensioner activation.

  1. Place front wheels facing straight ahead

  2. Remove steering pad assembly (see page rs- 336)

  3. Remove steering wheel assembly (see page sr-12)

  4. Remove steering column cover (see page sr-12)

  5. Remove spiral cable sub-assembly (see page rs-346)

  6. Remove wiper and washer switch (see page ww-27)

  7. Remove headlight dimmer switch assembly

Toyota RAV4. Remove headlight dimmer switch assembly

  1. Disconnect the connector.

Toyota RAV4. Remove headlight dimmer switch assembly

  1. Using needle-nose pliers, remove the band clamp as shown in the illustration.

Toyota RAV4. Remove headlight dimmer switch assembly

  1. Using a screwdriver, detach the claws and remove the switch.


Tape the screwdriver tip before use.


  1. Inspect headlight dimmer switch assembly

Toyota RAV4. Inspect headlight dimmer switch assembly

  1. Measure the resistance of the switch.

Standard resistance:

Light control switch

Headlight dimmer switch

Turn signal switch

Fog light switch

If the result is not as specified, replace the dimmer switch assembly.


  1. Install headlight dimmer switch assembly

Toyota RAV4. Install headlight dimmer switch assembly

  1. Attach the claw to install the headlight dimmer switch with the claw as shown in the illustration.

Toyota RAV4. Install headlight dimmer switch assembly

  1. Install the headlight dimmer switch with the clamp.

Toyota RAV4. Install headlight dimmer switch assembly

  1. Connect the connector.
  1. Install wiper and washer switch assembly (see page ww-29)

  2. Install spiral cable sub-assembly (see page rs-347)

  3. Install steering column cover (see page sr- 20)

  4. Install steering wheel assembly (see page sr-21)

  5. Place front wheels facing straight ahead

  6. Inspect steering wheel center point

  7. Install steering pad assembly (see page rs- 336)

  8. Connect cable to negative battery terminal

  9. Inspect steering pad assembly (see page rs- 337)

  10. Check srs warning light

  1. Check the srs warning light (see page rs-337).
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