Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Ecu power source circuit


This is the power source for the tire pressure warning ecu.

Wiring diagram

Toyota RAV4. Wiring diagram

Inspection procedure


It is necessary to register an id code after replacing the tire pressure monitor valve and/or the tire pressure warning ecu (see page tw-9).

  1. Inspect fuse (ecu-ig1)

  1. Remove the ecu-ig1 fuse from the instrument panel junction block.
  2. Measure the resistance of the fuse.

Standard resistance: below 1

  1. Inspect ig1 relay

Toyota RAV4. Inspect ig1 relay

  1. Remove the ig1 relay from the instrument panel junction block.
  2. Measure the resistance of the relay.

Standard resistance

  1. Inspect wire harness (ecu - battery and body ground)

Toyota RAV4. Inspect wire harness (ecu - battery and body ground)

  1. Disconnect the e56 ecu connector.
  2. Measure the voltage of the wire harness side connector.

Standard voltage

  1. Measure the resistance of the wire harness side connector.

Standard resistance

Proceed to next circuit inspection shown in problem symptoms table

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