Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Diagnosis system

  1. Description

  1. Air conditioning system data and the diagnostic trouble codes (dtcs) can be read through the data link connector 3 (dlc3) of the vehicle. When the system seems to be malfunctioning, use the intelligent tester to check for malfunctions and perform troubleshooting.
  1. Check dlc3

Toyota RAV4. Check dlc3

The vehicle's ecm uses the iso 15765-4 for communication protocol. The terminal arrangement of the dlc3 complies with sae j1962 and matches the iso 15765-4 format.

Toyota RAV4. Check dlc3

If the result is not as specified, the dlc3 may have a malfunction. Repair or replace the harness and connector.


*: Before measuring the resistance, leave the vehicle as is for at least 1 minute and do not operate the ignition switch, other switches or doors.


Connect the cable of the intelligent tester (with can vim) to the dlc3, turn the ignition switch on and attempt to use the tester. If the display indicates that a communication error has occurred, there is a problem either with the vehicle or with the tester.

If communication is normal when the tester is connected to another vehicle, inspect the dlc3 of the original vehicle.

If communication is still not possible when the tester is connected to another vehicle, the problem may be in the tester itself. Consult the service department listed in the tester's instruction manual.

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