Throttle actuator control motor circuit
The throttle actuator is operated by the ecm and opens and closes the
throttle valve using gears.
The opening angle of the throttle valve is detected by the throttle position (tp)
sensor, which is mounted
on the throttle body. The tp sensor provides feedback to the ecm. This ...
Battery temperature sensor circuit
The battery temperature sensor installed on the battery current sensor
detects battery temperature.
A thermistor is integrated into the battery temperature sensor, and the
resistance in the battery
temperature sensor changes according to the battery temperature.
The r ...
When removing the ornament plate and emblem, heat the
radiator grille, ornament plate and emblem using a heat light.
Standard heating temperature
Do not heat the radiator grille, ornament plate and
emblem excessively.
Remove hood to radiator grille seal
Remove th ...