Vehicle speed sensor "A"
The speed sensor detects the wheel speed and sends the appropriate signals to
the skid control ecu.
The skid control ecu converts these wheel speed signals into a 4-pulse signal
and outputs it to the ecm
via the combination meter. The ecm determines the vehicle speed based o ...
Release the lock from the inside of the vehicle to open the hood
Pull the hood lock release lever.
The hood will pop up slightly.
Push the auxiliary catch lever to
the left and lift the hood.
Hold the hood open by inserting
the supporting rod into the slot.
Cautio ...
Winter driving tips
Carry out the necessary preparations and inspections before
driving the vehicle in winter. Always drive the vehicle in a manner
appropriate to the prevailing weather conditions.
Preparation for winter
Use fluids that are appropriate to the prevailing outside temperatures.
Engine oil
E ...