Tongue weight
The gross trailer weight should be distributed so that the tongue weight is 9% to 11%.
(Tongue weight /gross trailer weight x 100 = 9% to 11%)
The gross trailer weight, gross axle weight and tongue weight can be measured with platform scales found at a highway weighing station, building supply company, trucking company, junk yard, etc.
Oxygen (a/f) sensor pumping current circuit
Refer to dtc p2195 (see page es-292).
Monitor description
The air-fuel ratio (a/f) sensor varies its output voltage in proportion to
the air-fuel ratio. If the a/f sensor
impedance (alternating current resistance) or output voltage deviates greatly
from the standard range ...
Displaying a bluetooth®
device details
You can confirm and change the registered device details.
Bluetooth® device registration status
Display the “bluetooth* setup” screen.
*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of bluetooth sig, inc.
Select the device.
Select “device info”.
Following screen is displayed:
Brake pedal load sensing switch
The brake pedal load sensing switch is turned on when the brake pedal is
depressed with force exceeding
a predetermined level.
The skid control ecu detects if the brake pedal is depressed or not via this
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
When repla ...