This dtc is output when the sliding roof drive gear (sliding roof ecu) detects that the slide open or tilt up switch in the overhead junction block is stuck for 30 seconds or more.
Wiring diagram
Refer to dtc b2341 (see page rf-11).
Inspection procedure
Sliding roof drive gear
Ok: "not fail" appears on tester screen.
Ok: auto operation operates normally with slide open and tilt up switch.
Standard resistance
Ok: sliding roof drive gear can be initialized.
Ok: auto operation operates normally with slide open and tilt up switch.
Standard resistance
Replace sliding roof drive gear sub-assembly (sliding roof ecu)
Rear wiper motor
Disconnect cable from negative battery
Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the
cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to
prevent airbag and seat belt pretensioner activation.
Remove back door center garnish (see page
Install ecm
Install the 2 brackets to the ecm with the 4 screws.
Torque: 3.0 N*m (30 kgf*cm, 27 in.*Lbf)
Connect the 2 ecm connectors.
When connecting the connector, make sure that
dirt, water and other foreign matter does not
become stuck between the connector and ...
Torque converter clutch solenoid circuit
The shift solenoid valve dsl is turned on and off by signals from the ecm to
control the hydraulic
pressure acting on the lock-up relay valve, which then controls operation of the
lock-up clutch.
Fail-safe function:
if the ecm detects a malfunction, it turns the shift sol ...