Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Reassembly

  1. Install cooler (solar sensor) thermistor (for automatic air conditioning system)

  2. Install automatic light control sensor (for automatic light control system)

  3. Install front passenger airbag assembly (see page rs-351)

  4. Install no. 2 Instrument panel register assembly

  5. Install no. 1 Instrument panel register assembly

  6. Install no. 3 Heater to register duct

Toyota RAV4. Install no. 3 Heater to register duct

  1. Install the duct with the 2 screws.
  1. Install no. 2 Heater to register duct

Toyota RAV4. Install no. 2 Heater to register duct

  1. Install the duct with the screw.
  1. Install no. 1 Heater to register duct

Toyota RAV4. Install no. 1 Heater to register duct

  1. Install the duct with the screw.
  1. Install no. 2 Side defroster nozzle duct

Toyota RAV4. Install no. 2 Side defroster nozzle duct

  1. Install the duct with the 3 screws.
  1. Install no. 1 Side defroster nozzle duct

Toyota RAV4. Install no. 1 Side defroster nozzle duct

  1. Install the duct with the 3 screws.
Remove no. 1 Side defroster nozzle duct Remove the 3 screws and duct. Remove no. 2 Side defroster nozzle duct Remove the 3 screws and duct. Remove no. 1 Heater to re ...

Install upper instrument panel Attach the 6 clips and 5 claws to install the instrument panel. Connect the connectors and clamps. Install the 2 bolts and 2 screws. Connect the ...

Other materials:

Hint: When removing the spoiler, heat the vehicle body and spoiler using a heat light. Standard heating temperature Notice: Do not heat the vehicle body and spoiler excessively. Disconnect cable from negative battery terminal Caution: Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the ...

Table of bolt, screw and nut Hint: All bolts, screws and nuts relevant to installing and removing the instrument panel are shown along with their alphabet codes in the table below. Disconnect cable from negative battery terminal Caution: Wait at least 90 seconds after disconne ...

Engine coolant temperature circuit
Description A thermistor, whose resistance value varies according to the ect, is built into the engine coolant temperature (ect) sensor. The structure of the sensor and its connection to the ecm are the same as those of the intake air temperature (iat) sensor. Hint: When any of dtcs ...

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