General information
The following illustration is an example.
Hint: there are cases where such information can only be explained by using an illustration. In these cases, torque, oil and other information are described in the illustration.
What to do and other details are explained using illustrations next to the text. Both the text and illustrations are accompanied by standard values and notices.
Example: torque: 30 n*m (310 kgf*cm, 22 ft.*Lbf)
Evaporative emission control system incorrect purge flow
Dtc summary
The description can be found in the evap (evaporative emission) system (see
page es-335).
Inspection procedure
Refer to the evap system (see page es-340).
Monitor description
The two monitors, key-off and purge flow, are used to detect malfunctions
relating ...
Short to gnd in can bus line
There may be a short circuit between the can bus line and gnd when there is
resistance between
terminals 6 (canh) and 4 (cg) or terminals 14 (canl) and 4 (cg) of the dlc3.
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
Turn the ignition switch off b ...
Front axle hub bolt
Use the same procedures for the rh side and lh side.
The procedures listed below are the lh side.
Remove front wheel
Remove front disc brake cylinder
assembly lh (see page br-40)
Remove front disc (see page br-42)
Remove front axle hub bolt