For safe driving, adjust the seat and mirror to an appropriate position before driving.
Correct driving posture
Observe the following precautions.
Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury.
Doing so could cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle.
Objects placed under the front seats may become jammed in the seat tracks and stop the seat from locking in place. This may lead to an accident and the adjustment mechanism may also be damaged.
Also, if you feel tired or sleepy while driving, do not force yourself to continue driving and take a break immediately.
Correct use of the seat belts
Make sure that all occupants are wearing their seat belts before driving the vehicle. Use a child restraint system appropriate for the child until the child becomes large enough to properly wear the vehicle's seat belt.
Adjusting the mirrors
Make sure that you can see backward clearly by adjusting the inside rear view mirror (if equipped), Digital Rear-view Mirror (if equipped) and outside rear view mirrors properly.
How to use this manual
General information
General description
This manual is written in accordance with sae
Removing / installing, replacing, disassembling
/ reassembling, checking and adjusting
Final inspection
The following procedures are omitted from this
manual. Howeve ...
Monitor drive pattern
Test monitor drive pattern for ect
Perform this drive pattern on a level surface and
strictly observe the posted speed limits and traffic
laws while driving.
Performing this drive pattern is one method to simulate
the ect's malfunction detection conditions.
The dtcs may ...
Tire pressure warning receiver (w/ antenna)