Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA50) 2019-2025 Owners Manual: For safe driving

For safe driving, adjust the seat and mirror to an appropriate position before driving.

Correct driving posture

For safe use

  1. Adjust the angle of the seatback so that you are sitting straight up and so that you do not have to lean forward to steer.
  2. Adjust the seat so that you can depress the pedals fully and so that your arms bend slightly at the elbow when gripping the steering wheel.
  3. Lock the head restraint in place with the center of the head restraint closest to the top of your ears.
  4. ear the seat belt correctly.


Observe the following precautions.

Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury.

Correct use of the seat belts

Make sure that all occupants are wearing their seat belts before driving the vehicle. Use a child restraint system appropriate for the child until the child becomes large enough to properly wear the vehicle's seat belt.

Adjusting the mirrors

Make sure that you can see backward clearly by adjusting the inside rear view mirror (if equipped), Digital Rear-view Mirror (if equipped) and outside rear view mirrors properly.

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