Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Floor shift assembly

- Disconnect cable from negative battery
Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the
cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to
prevent airbag and seat belt pretensioner activation.
- Remove shift lever knob sub-assembly
- Remove rear console box sub-assembly
- Remove the console box (see page ip-20).
- Disconnect transaxle control cable assembly

- disconnect the control cable from the shift lever.

- Turn the nut and disconnect the control cable from
the shift lever retainer.
- Remove floor shift assembly

- Remove the 4 bolts and floor shift.

- Disconnect the 2 connectors and detach the clamp.
- Remove lower position indicator housing

- Detach the 4 claws and remove the housing.
- Remove the position indicator slide cover with slide
no. 2 Cover.
- Remove position indicator light housing

- Detach the 2 claws and remove the indicator light
housing from the floor shift position indicator
- Remove indicator light wire sub-assembly
- Remove shift lock release button

- Detach the 2 claws and remove the button and
spring from the position indicator light housing.
- Inspect shift lever position
- When shifting the lever from p to the r position with
the ignition switch on and the brake pedal
depressed, make sure that the shift lever moves
smoothly and moves correctly into position.
- Start the engine and make sure that the vehicle
moves forward when shifting the lever from n to the
d position and moves rearward when shifting the
lever to the r position.
If the operation cannot be performed as specified,
inspect the park/neutral position switch assembly
and check the shift lever assembly installation
- Adjust shift lever position
- Shift the shift lever to the n position.
- Slide the adjuster case cover in the direction shown
in the illustration and pull out the lock piece.
- Gently pull the cable rod toward the rear of the
vehicle by hand to pull the cable taut.

- Press the lock piece into the adjuster case and lock

- Slide the cover in the direction shown in the
Slide the cover past the protrusion of the lock
- Inspect the operation after the adjustment.
- Install shift lock release button
- Install the spring and button and attach the claws to
the position indicator light housing.
- Install indicator light wire sub-assembly

- Install position indicator light housing

- Attach the indicator light housing to the shift position
indicator housing with the 2 claws.
- Install lower position indicator housing

- Install the position indicator slide cover with slide
cover no. 2 To the indicator housing.
- Attach the housing to the floor shift assembly with
the 4 claws.
- Install floor shift assembly

- Connect the 2 connectors and attach the clamp.
- Install the floor shift with the 4 bolts.
- Connect transaxle control cable assembly

- turn the nut of the control cable and push in the

- Install the control cable onto the shift lever retainer.
Install the cable with the protruding portion of
the cable outer facing upward.

- After installing, check that the lock of the
cable outer is protruding beyond portion a-a,
as shown in the illustration.

- Connect the control cable to the shift lever.
Connect the control cable so that the adjusting
mechanism lock of the control cable is installed
on the driver side of the vehicle.
- Connect cable to negative battery
- Inspect shift lever position (see page ax-138)
- Adjust shift lever position (see page ax-138)
- Install rear console box sub-assembly
- Install the rear console box (see page ip-26).
- Install shift lever knob sub-assembly
Remove rear console box sub-assembly
Remove the console box (see page ip-20).
Disconnect cable from negative battery
Wait at least 90 seconds after ...
Replace transaxle housing oil seal lh
Drain the automatic transaxle fluid.
Remove the drain plug and gasket, and drain
Install a new gasket and ...
Other materials:
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In this circuit, the compressor receives a refrigerant compression demand
signal from the air conditioning
amplifier. Based on this signal, the compressor changes the degree of
refrigerant compression.
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
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sliding roof drive gear requires initialization. If a
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operate: auto operation and key off operation.
Turn the ignition switch on. ...
Room light assembly
Disconnect cable from negative battery
Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the
cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to
prevent airbag and seat belt pretensioner activation.
Remove room light lens
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