This feature automatically adjusts the driver’s seat to suit your preferences.
Can bus line
When any dtc for the can communication system is output, first measure the
resistance between the
terminals of the dlc3 to specify the trouble area, and check that there is not a
short in the can main wire,
between the main wire, to +b, or to gnd.
Wiring diagram
Inspecti ...
Intake air temperature sensor gradient too high
The intake air temperature (iat) sensor, mounted on the mass air flow (maf)
meter, monitors the iat.
The iat sensor has a built-in thermistor with a resistance that varies according
to the temperature of the
intake air. When the iat is low, the resistance of the thermist ...
Tire pressure warning system precaution
When the tire pressure warning light turns on,
immediately check the tire pressure of the tire and
adjust it to the specified value. (When the tire
pressure warning light circuit is open, the tire
pressure warning light flashes for 1 minut ...