Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Disassembly
- Fix differential carrier sub-assembly
- Fix the rear differential carrier in place with the
overhaul attachment.
- Remove stud bolt
- Remove the 4 stud bolts from the transmission
- Remove differential drain plug

- Using a 10 mm socket hexagon wrench, remove the
rear differential drain plug and gasket.
- Remove differential filler plug

- Using a 10 mm socket hexagon wrench, remove the
rear differential filler plug and gasket.
- Remove differential carrier cover plug
- Using an 8 mm socket hexagon wrench, remove
rear differential carrier cover plug.
- Remove differential carrier cover breather plug

- Using a chisel and hammer, slightly lift up the rear
differential carrier cover breather plug.

- Using a screwdriver, lightly pry up and remove the
rear differential carrier cover breather plug.
- Inspect runout of transmission coupling assembly

- Install a dial gauge so that it is perpendicular to the
inner side of the transmission coupling.
- Using sst, rotate the transmission coupling
assembly forward and backward and measure the
vertical runout.
Sst 09564-32011
Maximum vertical runout :
0.06 Mm (0.0024 In.)
- Install a dial gauge perpendicularly onto the
transmission coupling assembly, as shown in the
- Using sst, rotate the transmission coupling
assembly forward and backward and measure the
lateral runout.
Sst 09564-32011
Maximum lateral runout:
0.07 Mm (0.0028)
- Remove electromagnetic coupling

- Remove the 4 bolts and, using a plastic-faced
hammer, lightly tap the rear differential carrier cover
to remove it from the rear differential carrier.
Set the brass bar on the ribbed part of the rear
differential carrier cover.
- Remove 4wd linear solenoid

- Using a snap ring expander, remove the snap ring.

- Remove the solenoid from the yoke.
- Remove the o-ring from the solenoid.
- Remove yoke

- Using a 5 mm socket hexagon wrench, remove the
3 bolts and yoke from the differential carrier.
- Remove transmission coupling conical spring washer

- Remove the spring washer from the differential
- Remove transmission coupling shim

- Remove the shim from the differential carrier.
- Inspect differential ring gear backlash

- Insert a dial gauge through the rear differential
carrier cover plug hole, and set it perpendicular to
the ring gear tooth surface's tip.
- Using sst, fix the drive pinion in place.
Sst 09556-16011
- Using sst, rotate the rear differential case forward
and backward, and measure the backlash.
Sst 09564-32011
Standard backlash:
0.09 To 0.16 Mm (0.0034 To 0.0063 In.)
Measure at 3 or more areas around the
circumference of the ring gear.
- Inspect differential drive pinion preload

- Using sst and a torque wrench, inspect the preload
(starting torque) within the differential drive pinion
and differential ring gear backlash area.
Sst 09556-16011
Standard drive pinion preload:
0.24 To 0.37 N*m (2 to 4 kgf*cm, 2 to 3 in.*Lbf)
For a more accurate measurement, rotate the
case bearing forward and backward before
- Inspect total preload

- Using sst and a torque wrench, inspect the preload
(starting torque) with the teeth of the differential
drive pinion and differential ring gear in contact.
Sst 09556-16011
Standard total preload:
standard drive pinion preload plus 0.99 To 1.63
N*m (10 to 17 kgf*cm, 9 to 14 in.*Lbf)
For a more accurate measurement, rotate the
case bearing forward and backward before
- Remove differential side gear shaft oil seal

- Using sst, tap out the 2 rear differential side shaft
gear oil seals from the rear differential carrier.
Sst 09308-00010
- Remove diaphragm oil seal

- Using sst, remove the diaphragm oil seal from the
rear differential carrier.
Sst 09308-10010
- Remove drive pinion nut

- Using sst and a hammer, unstake the rear drive
pinion nut.
Sst 09930-00010
- Use sst with the tapered part against the
shaft side.
- Do not modify the sst tip with a grinder or
- Fully unstake the rear drive pinion nut

- Using sst, fix the differential drive pinion in place
and remove the rear drive pinion nut from the
differential drive pinion.
Sst 09556-16011, 09564-16020
- Remove rear drive pinion front tapered roller bearing

- Using sst, remove the rear drive pinion tapered
roller bearing front (inner race) from the rear
differential carrier.
Sst 09556-30010
- Remove differential side bearing retainer

- Remove the 8 bolts.

- Using a brass bar and hammer, lightly tap out the
differential side bearing retainer.
Set the brass bar on the ribbed part of the
differential side bearing retainer.
- Remove differential case sub-assembly

- Remove the rear differential case from the rear
differential carrier.
- Remove differential drive pinion

- Remove the differential drive pinion from the rear differential carrier.
- Remove differential drive pinion bearing spacer

- Remove the rear differential drive pinion bearing
spacer from the differential drive pinion.
- Remove rear drive pinion rear tapered roller bearing

- Using sst and a press, press out the rear drive
pinion tapered roller bearing rear (inner race) from
the differential drive pinion.
Sst 09950-00020
If the rear differential drive pinion or differential
ring gear is damaged, replace them both
- Remove the rear differential drive pinion washer.
- Remove rear drive pinion front tapered roller bearing

- Using sst, remove the rear drive pinion tapered
roller bearing front (outer race) from the rear
differential carrier.
Sst 09612-65014 (09612-01020, 09612-01050)
- Remove rear drive pinion rear tapered roller bearing

- Using a brass bar and hammer, lightly and uniformly
tap out the rear drive pinion tapered roller bearing
rear (outer race).
Set the brass bar on the notch.
- Remove differential case bearing

Sst 09950-60010 (09951-00460), 09950-70010
(09951-07100), 09649-17010 (09951-00510)
- Using sst and a press, press out the rear
differential case bearing rh (outer race) and rear
differential side gear shaft plate washer from the
rear differential carrier.
Sst 09950-60010, 09950-70010 (09951-07100)

- Using sst and a press, press out the rear
differential case bearing lh (outer race) and rear
differential side gear shaft plate washer from the
differential side bearing retainer.
Sst 09950-60010 (09951-00460), 09950-70010
(09951-07100), 09649-17010
- Remove differential case bearing
- Using sst, remove the rear differential case bearing
rh (inner race) from the rear differential case.

Sst 09950-40011 (09951-04010, 09952-04010,
09953-04020, 09954-04010, 09955-04061,
09957-04010, 09958-04011), 09950-60010
(09951-00320, 09955-04071)
Before using sst center bolt (09953-04020),
apply hypoid gear oil to its threads and tip.

- Using sst, remove the rear differential case bearing
lh (inner race) from the rear differential case.
Sst 09950-40011 (09951-04010, 09952-04010,
09953-04020, 09954-04010, 09955-04071,
09957-04010, 09958-04011), 09950-60010
Before using sst center bolt (09953-04020),
apply hypoid gear oil to its threads and tip.
If the race is remains on the rear differential case,
repeat the step above to remove the race.
- Remove differential ring gear

- Place matchmarks on the rear differential case and
differential ring gear.
- Remove the 10 bolts.
- Using a plastic-faced hammer, lightly tap the outer
circumference of the differential ring gear to remove
it from the rear differential case.
- Remove differential breather plug oil deflector

- Using a 5 mm socket hexagon wrench, remove the
2 bolts and rear differential breather plug oil
- Remove straight pin

- Using pliers, remove the 4 straight pins from the
rear differential carrier.
- Remove elbow tube
- Remove wiring harness clamp bracket
- Remove the bolt and bracket.
Drain differential oil
Remove rear wheel
Remove tailpipe assembly
Remove the tailpipe (see page ex-2).
Remove center exhaust pipe assembly
Remove the center pipe (see page ex- ...
Install wiring harness clamp bracket
Install the bracket with the bolt.
Install elbow tube
Install straight pin
Using a plastic hammer, install the 4 straight pins to
the ...
Other materials:
Fog light switch
The fog lights secure excellent visibility in difficult driving
such as in rain and fog.
(U.S.A.) Or (canada)
turns the fog lights off
Turns the fog lights on
Fog lights can be used when
The headlights are on in low beam. ...
Rear wheel alignment
Inspect tire
Inspect the tire (see page tw-1).
Measure vehicle height
Measure the vehicle height (see page sp-3).
Inspect toe-in
Standard toe-in
If the toe-in is not within the specified range, inspect the
suspension parts and replace them if necessar ...
If a warning light turns on or
a warning buzzer sounds
Calmly perform the following actions if any of the warning
lights comes on or flashes. If a light comes on or flashes, but
then goes off, this does not necessarily indicate a malfunction
in the system. However, if this continues to occur, have
the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer.
Actions to ...