Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Direct clutch


Toyota RAV4. Direct clutch


  1. Inspect pack clearance of direct clutch (see page ax-234)

  2. Remove direct multiple disc clutch disc

  1. Using a screwdriver, pry out the snap ring from the direct clutch drum.

Toyota RAV4. Remove direct multiple disc clutch disc

  1. Remove the flange, 3 discs and 3 plates from the direct clutch drum.

Toyota RAV4. Remove direct multiple disc clutch disc

  1. Inspect direct multiple disc clutch disc (see page ax-234)

  2. Remove direct clutch return spring subassembly

Toyota RAV4. Remove direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Place sst on the clutch balancer and compress the spring with a press.

Sst 09387-00020

  1. Using a snap ring expander, remove the snap ring from the direct clutch drum.


Toyota RAV4. Remove direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Remove the clutch balancer from the direct clutch drum.

Toyota RAV4. Remove direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Remove the piston return spring from the direct clutch drum.

Toyota RAV4. Remove direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Install the direct clutch drum on the transaxle rear cover.
  2. Holding the direct clutch piston with your hand, apply compressed air (392 kpa, 4.0 Kgf*cm2, 57 psi) to the transaxle rear cover to remove the direct clutch piston.


  1. Inspect pack clearance of direct clutch

Toyota RAV4. Inspect pack clearance of direct clutch

  1. Install the direct clutch and needle roller bearing on the transaxle rear cover.
  2. Using a dial indicator, measure the forward clutch pack clearance while applying and releasing compressed air (392 kpa, 4.0 Kgf/cm2, 57 psi)

Standard pack clearance: 0.515 To 0.825 Mm (0.0203 To 0.0324 In.)

If the pack clearance is not as specified, inspect the discs, plates and flange.

  1. Inspect direct multiple disc clutch disc

Toyota RAV4. Inspect direct multiple disc clutch disc

  1. Check to see if the sliding surface of the disc, plate and flange are worn or burnt.

    If necessary, replace them.


  1. Inspect direct clutch return spring subassembly

Toyota RAV4. Inspect direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Using a vernier caliper, measure the free length of the spring together with the spring seat.

    Standard free length: 22.58 Mm (0.8898 In.)


  1. Install direct clutch return spring subassembly

Toyota RAV4. Install direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Coat the direct clutch piston with atf, and install it to the direct clutch drum.


Be careful not to damage the lip seal of the direct clutch piston.

Toyota RAV4. Install direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Install the piston return spring to the direct clutch drum.

Toyota RAV4. Install direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Install the clutch balancer to the direct clutch drum.


Be careful not to damage the lip seal of the direct clutch balancer.

Toyota RAV4. Install direct clutch return spring subassembly

  1. Place sst on the clutch balancer and compress the piston return spring with a press.

Sst 09387-00020

  1. Using a snap ring expander, install the snap ring to the direct clutch drum.


  1. Install direct multiple disc clutch disc

Toyota RAV4. Install direct multiple disc clutch disc

  1. Install the 3 plates, 3 discs and flange to the direct clutch drum.

Install in order: p - d - p - d - p - d - f


P = plate

D = disc

F = flange

Toyota RAV4. Install direct multiple disc clutch disc

  1. Using a screwdriver, install the snap ring.
  2. Check that the end gap of the snap ring is not aligned with one of the cutouts.
  1. Inspect pack clearance of direct clutch

Toyota RAV4. Inspect pack clearance of direct clutch

  1. Install the direct clutch on the transaxle rear cover.
  2. Using a dial indicator, measure the direct clutch pack clearance while applying and releasing compressed air (392 kpa, 4.0 Kgf/cm2, 57 psi).

Standard pack clearance: 0.515 To 0.825 Mm (0.0203 To 0.0324 In.)

If the pack clearance is less than the minimum, parts may have been assembled incorrectly, so check and reassemble again.

If the stroke is not as specified, select another flange.


There are 6 flanges in different thickness.

Standard flanges in different thickness

  1. Inspect direct multiple disc clutch disc

Toyota RAV4. Inspect direct multiple disc clutch disc

  1. Check that the disc rotates when rotating the disc after inserting the rear planetary sun gear.


Do not place the rear planetary sun gear in a vise.

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