Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Body

General maintenance

  1. Tighten bolts and nuts

  1. Tighten the bolts and nuts on the chassis parts listed below, if necessary.
  1. Tighten the bolts and nuts on the body parts listed below, if necessary.
  1. Clean air conditioning filter

  1. Visually inspect the surface of the filter.
  2. If the filter is contaminated with foreign matter, clean or replace the filter.
General maintenance (2006/01- )
Inspect steering linkage and gear housing Check the steering wheel free play. Check the steering linkage for looseness or damage. Check that the tie rod ends do not have excessive ...

Other materials:

Diagnostic trouble code chart
Look for output diagnostic trouble codes (dtcs) (from the dtc checks) in the appropriate section's diagnostic trouble code chart. Use the chart to determine the trouble area and the proper inspection procedure. A description of each of the chart's columns are below. Item Description ...

Master cylinder pressure sensor malfunction
Description The master cylinder pressure sensor is connected to the skid control ecu in the abs and traction actuator. Dtc c1281/81 can be detected when the master cylinder pressure sensor sends a master cylinder pressure signal or test mode ends. Dtc c1281/81 is output only in test mo ...

Battery temperature sensor circuit
Description The battery temperature sensor installed on the battery current sensor detects battery temperature. A thermistor is integrated into the battery temperature sensor, and the resistance in the battery temperature sensor changes according to the battery temperature. The r ...

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