Function summary
The following operations can be performed simply by carrying the
electronic key on your person, for example in your pocket. (The driver
should always carry the electronic key.)
Locks and unlocks the side doors
Locks and unlocks the back door
Starts the engine
Operation signals
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Repair valve seats
If the seating is too high on the valve face, use 30°
and 45° cutters to correct the seat.
If the seating is too low on the valve face, use 75°
and 45° cutters to correct the seat.
Standard width
Lap the valve and valve seat by hand with an
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On-vehicle inspection
Check ignition coil assembly and perform spark test
in this section, the terms "cold" and "hot" refer to
the temperature of the coils. "Cold" means
approximately -10 to 50°c (14 to 122°f). "Hot" means
approximately 50 to 100°c (122 to 212 ...