Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: System description

  1. Description of system

  1. A tire pressure warning antenna and receiver is equipped with a tire pressure sensor and a transmitter and is installed in each tire wheel. The sensor measures the tire pressure and internal temperature of the tire. Then the measured value and transmitter id are transmitted to the tire pressure monitor receiver on the body as radio waves, which are sent to the tire pressure warning ecu. If the transmitter id has already been registered, the ecu compares the measured air pressure value with the standard value. When the value is less than the standard value registered in the tire pressure warning ecu, the warning light in the combination meter turns on.

Toyota RAV4. Description of system

  1. When tire pressure warning light is lit

  1. When the tire pressure warning light does not turn off, or when it turns on during driving, check the tire pressure. If the tire pressure warning light turns on within several hours after adjusting the tire pressure, the tire may have a slow air leak.
  2. Under the following conditions, the system may not function properly;
  1. The average life of the grommet of the tire pressure warning antenna and receiver is approximately 5 years, at which time it must be replaced. Retighten the valve nut if the valve is leaking air, if it is less than 5 years old, and there is no problem with the grommets.
  2. After removing and installing the ecu or a sensor, output a diagnosis code and check that it is a normal code.
  1. Function of components

Toyota RAV4. Function of components

Parts location
System diagram ...

How to proceed with troubleshooting
Hint: Use these procedures to troubleshoot the tire pressure warning system. *: Use the intelligent tester. Vehicle brought to workshop Inspect battery voltage Standard volta ...

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