Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Rear no. 1 Suspension arm
- Use the same procedures for the rh side and lh side.
- The procedures listed below are for the lh side.
- Remove rear wheel
- Remove rear no. 1 Suspension arm assembly lh
- Support the no. 2 Suspension arm lh.
- Remove the bolt and 2 nuts from the suspension
member and axle carrier.
While fixing the nut in place, loosen and remove the
bolt from the suspension member side.
- Using sst, disconnect the suspension arm from the
axle carrier.
Sst 09610-20012
Do not damage the dust cover.
- Inspect rear no. 1 Suspension arm assembly lh
- As shown in the illustration, move the ball joint stud
back and forth 5 times before installing the nut.
- Using a torque wrench, turn the nut continuously at
a rate of 2 to 4 seconds per turn and take the torque
reading on the fifth turn.
Standard turning torque:
3.4 N*m (35 kgf*cm, 30 in.*Lbf)
- Check for any cracks and grease leaks on the ball
joint dust cover.
- Use the same procedures for the rh side and lh side.
- The procedures listed below are for the lh side.
- Temporarily tighten rear no. 1 Suspension arm assembly lh
- Temporarily install the suspension arm with the bolt
and 2 nuts to the suspension member and axle
- Install rear wheel
- Install the wheel.
Torque: 103 n*m (1,050 kgf*cm, 76 ft.*Lbf)
- Tighten rear no. 1 Suspension arm assembly lh
- Install the nut and 2 bolts.
Torque: 90 n*m (918 kgf*cm, 66 ft.*Lbf) for bolt
100 n*m (1,020 kgf*cm, 74 ft.*Lbf) for
For the nut on the rear suspension member
side, do not tighten the nut.
- Inspect and adjust rear wheel alignment
- Inspect and adjust the rear wheel alignment (see
page sp-7).
Use the same procedures for the rh side and lh side.
The procedures listed below are for the lh side.
Remove rear wheel
Disconnect skid control sensor wire ...
Use the same procedures for the rh side and lh side.
The procedures listed below are for the lh side.
Remove rear wheel
Disconnect no. 2 Parking brake cabl ...
Other materials:
General maintenance (2006/01- )
General notes
Maintenance requirements vary depending on the
Check the maintenance schedule in the owner's
manual supplement.
Following the maintenance schedule is mandatory.
Determine the appropriate time to service the vehicle
using either miles driven or time elapsed ...
Release the lock from the inside of the vehicle to open the hood
Pull the hood lock release lever.
The hood will pop up slightly.
Push the auxiliary catch lever to
the left and lift the hood.
Hold the hood open by inserting
the supporting rod into the slot.
Cautio ...
When removing the spoiler, heat the vehicle body and spoiler
using a heat light.
Standard heating temperature
Do not heat the vehicle body and spoiler excessively.
Disconnect cable from negative battery
Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the