Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Purpose of readiness tests


Many state inspection and maintenance (i/m) programs require a vehicle's readiness monitor status to show compl before beginning emission tests.

The readiness monitor will be reset to incmpl (incomplete) if:

If the readiness monitor status shows incmpl, follow the appropriate readiness monitor drive pattern to change the status to compl.


Strictly observe posted speed limits, traffic laws, and road conditions when performing these drive patterns.


These drive patterns represent the fastest method of satisfying all conditions necessary to achieve complete status for each specific readiness monitor.

In the event of a drive pattern being interrupted (possibly due to factors such as traffic conditions), the drive pattern can be resumed. In most cases, the readiness monitor will still achieve complete status upon completion of the drive pattern.

To ensure completion of the readiness monitors, avoid sudden changes in vehicle load and speed (driving up and down hills and/or sudden acceleration).

Readiness monitor drive pattern

Catalyst monitor (active air-fuel ratio control type)
Preconditions The monitor will not run unless: The mil is off. Drive pattern Connect the intelligent tester to the dlc3. Turn the ignition switch on. Turn the tester on. ...

Other materials:

System description
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Ecm communication stop mode (2005/11-2006/01)
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How to proceed with troubleshooting
Hint: Perform troubleshooting in accordance with the following flowchart. *: Use the intelligent tester. Vehicle brought to workshop Inspect battery voltage Standard voltage: 11 to 14 v If the voltage is below 11 v, recharge or replace the battery before proceeding. Pr ...

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